Power Station of Art Museum
Acrylic and watercolour paper mounted on canvas, wall structure and blue filtered light, total length 8mt.
Sequence from dark lila-grey coloured pollutants to the deep clear blue sky.

View of the blue filtered light over the painting installation. From left to right: color gradient from dark lila pollutants to the deepest blue sky, total length 8 meters, Power Station of Art Museum, 2018-2019.

Photo: Shanghai Biennale

View of the blue filteres light over the gradient paintings from dark lila pollutants to the deepest blue sky.

Photo: Shanghai Biennale

View of the ground floor hallway at the Power Station of Art Museum, total length of the artwork is 8 meters.

Photo: Shanghai Biennale

View from the Beijing Tiananmen Square sky and the Pollution Postcard, 2018. Edition of 2,000 copies, offset print in 450 gr recycled paper, size A6.

Photo: Macarena Ruiz-Tagle

Atmospheric Pollution Series seen without filtered light at "Where are the lions?", Meet Gallery Prague, CZ. From left to right: color gradient from deep blue sky to dark lila pollutants.

Photo: Meet Factory

Detail of the pigmentation of the surface of the watercolor paper

Photo: Meet Factory

Enclosed within the private atmosphere of a cloying fog, one yearns for a breeze that would disclose the landscape and relieve a sense of isolation. Floating along the walls of the space a series of painted panels carry the visitor through a subtle colour gradient, ranging from clear sky blue to a darkening greyscale of atmospheric pollutants. Traditionally screens are painted with landscapes, sometimes seen through mist. Ruiz-Tagle’s Atmospheric Pollution Series foregrounds the visual density of the air itself by intensifying its hues within monochromatic disks, whose saturated centres seem to evaporate outwards towards imperceptible limits, as though the pigments had been delivered to the screens by the wind itself. Seeking to bring the image into focus, one’s gaze sinks instead into its evanescent surface. The effect is dizzying. Isolating the visual delight of being immersed in a cloud from the intoxicating effects of breathing heavily polluted air, the series evokes both smog engulfing global cities and the ethereal fog of the camanchaca, an ultra-fine mist that sweeps over the Chilean coastline in winter. In its mesmerising aesthetic ambiguity, the work sustains a space of contemplation within our troubled atmosphere.

Text: Dehlia Hannah